Thursday, November 10, 2011

Baby Food, Baby!

I have begun making the Wee Baby O’s baby food. Now that she’s six months old and eating solids, I decided to give it a shot. Turns out, it’s fast, it’s easy, it’s inexpensive, and I know exactly what’s in it. I started with a butternut squash. I roasted it, scraped it out, added just a tiny bit of filtered water to thin it out, mashed it and put it in ice cube trays.

Once frozen, I popped it out and put it in baggies, and Viola! homemade baby food. I have also made her some baked sweet potatoes and steamed carrots.

She seems to love it…

...and now I am wondering what to move on to next. Not sure what comes after orange vegetables…

Monday, November 7, 2011

This is Halloween

I had big plans. I was going to make the Wee Baby O her first Halloween costume! I bought a simple pattern (and I mean simple) and some inexpensive fabric, and I developed a plan. And then time slipped away from me ... I knitted her a hat. I knitted her some mittens. I didn't make her a costume.

And then Brett says, "You know, Halloween is Monday." And I went, OH NO. But, I thought, "No Problem! This is a simple pattern. I can make it in a couple of hours."

So I cut it out. All 4 pieces. (I told you - simple.) I sewed it together, including the zipper. It was looking weird, but I thought it would straighten itself out once I started on the finishing. And then I realized: I was sewing it upside down. I put the sleeves on the legs. The zipper was from the bottom up. What a mess! And not a seam ripper in site. Gah.

So I put it aside. I made the costume head. I didn't have a pattern for it, I just cut out some pieces and sewed them together. It turned out just fine. In the meantime, I procured a seam ripper (thanks, Mom!), and made a tutu.

Took the costume apart. Re-sewed it, reinforcing the zipper this time because I had sewn it correctly, after all. But ... it wasn't going together like it should. What the heck? Turns out, I had sewed the wrong pieces together and put the zipper in the wrong place. At least it wasn't upside down. Halloween was the next day. I decided I was done. Lost cause. Couldn't bring myself to do it one more time. A hippo in a tutu was not in our future.

So she wore a monster romper that was not intended to be a costume. Cute, isn't she? Next year, I will not be in such a hurry. I will allow myself more than a couple of days to make the costume. All will be fine, I am sure!

Next project: Make a Christmas dress. Surely it will go better ... Right??

Windy auditions for the role of O's understudy, wearing her monster hat in the car seat.